Rugby Canada and Canadian Rugby Foundation announce new agreement

May 10, 2022 (Langford, BC) – Rugby Canada and the Canadian Rugby Foundation are pleased to announce a new memorandum of agreement which focusses on increased collaboration and co-operation, communication and joint fundraising efforts between the two organizations.

At its core, the agreement recognizes their common purpose to grow and develop the sport across the country for those of all ages, genders, races, cultures, ethnic groups and socio-economic circumstances.

Since 2001, when Rugby Canada’s Board of Directors first endorsed the Foundation, the links between the two organizations have developed significantly. With expanded global competition on the pitch at a high-performance level and increased grassroots participation, the need for financial support for rugby at all levels in Canada has grown in the last two decades.

As such, Rugby Canada recognizes the Foundation’s unique role and acknowledges the working relationship between the two organizations must be more effective than ever. To create an environment in which that can occur, this new agreement has been developed to set out how the organizations will work together while still allowing each to continue important work they do autonomously.

“This agreement is an important step in our collective efforts to find efficiencies and alignment,” said Jamie Levchuk, Interim CEO, Rugby Canada. “The agreement highlights our joint desire to collaborate in communications, fundraising and grant provisions, all of which will be integral in the future efforts of both organizations. Moving forward, we believe that Rugby Canada and the Canadian Rugby Foundation can coordinate to address where gaps exist in our funding as well as which individuals and groups we need to engage to raise required funds.”

“We are excited to have formalized a framework within which our two organizations can support each other,” commented Jeff Chan, Executive Director of the Canadian Rugby Foundation. “Both organizations are committed to working together to ensure we collaborate on important initiatives and activities that require funding, and we look forward to being a part of a new era for Canadian rugby.”

About Rugby Canada
Rugby Canada is the national governing body of the sport of Rugby Union in Canada. They administer and operate Men’s and Women’s Senior and Junior National programs in both rugby 15s and 7s, as well as govern the Club and community game for more than 30,000 registered participants from coast to coast in conjunction with ten Provincial Union members.

Rugby Canada is headquartered at the Al Charron National Training Centre in Langford, BC, residing on the unceded territories of the Coast Salish and Lekwungen/Songhees peoples, with staff also working from Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa. Rugby Canada business operations, programs and events are delivered nationwide, including the internationally recognized HSBC Canada Sevens annual tournaments.

About the Canadian Rugby Foundation
The Canadian Rugby Foundation is a Canadian Not-for-profit Corporation incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, registered with the Canada Revenue Agency as a public foundation, registration number 869159186.

The Canadian Rugby Foundation has within its mandate the ability to create endowed funds and award funds to promote and support rugby activities, including but not limited to players, clubs, coaches, officials, and National teams. Among its purposes are to foster, encourage and promote the game of rugby within Canada; and to raise funds or cause the raising of funds through its Fund partners for the promotion of the objects and purposes of the Foundation.

Mike Holmes, Chair –
Jeff Chan, Executive Director –

Oliver Wheeler
Manager, Communications
Gestionnaire des communications

Globe and Mail Covers the Fletcher’s Fields Donation to the Foundation

Sale of Fletcher’s Fields provides historic boost to Canadian Rugby Foundation

December 23, 2021

Canadian rugby has received a historic boost in the form of an $11.65-million donation.

The money, which is going to the non-profit Canadian Rugby Foundation, comes from the $21.5-million sale of the eight-hectare Fletcher’s Fields rugby facility in Markham, Ont.

Established in 1966, Fletcher’s Fields features six rugby fields and has hosted Canada test matches against Argentina, England, Ireland, Japan, the U.S. and Wales, as well as numerous Ontario championships. It is named after the late Denis Fletcher, a rugby enthusiast who helped grow the game in Ontario.

Fletcher’s Fields Limited, which owned the facility, is comprised of six equal shareholders: Aurora Barbarians Rugby Football Club, Markham Irish Canadian Rugby Club, Rugby Ontario, Nomads Rugby Football Club of Toronto, Toronto Saracens Rugby Football Club and Toronto Scottish Rugby Football Club.

The $11.65-million donation will translate into six endowment funds, representing each of those shareholders. The remainder of the sale proceeds is being held back as the clubs determine their future venue and capital plans.

The Foundation will administer the endowment funds, retaining some of the proceeds with the bulk of that revenue going back to the original shareholders.

Foundation chair Mike Holmes called it a “historic donation.”

“It will enable us to invest significantly more funds in development of grassroots rugby in Canada,” Holmes said in an interview.

“That’s the mission of the foundation – to grow our capital so that we have more and more income arising from that capital,” he added. “And in time we have more and more money to spend on growth of grassroots rugby in Canada.”

Established in 2003, the Foundation offers scholarships and manages several funds, including the Captain’s Fund, which helps the under-20 and other national age-group programs and the Monty Heald National Women’s Fund, which assists women’s national team programs.

The Foundation’s assets now exceed $18-million. Rugby Canada’s annual revenue totalled $9.2-million in pandemic-affected 2020 and $14.9-million in 2019.

Fletcher’s Fields will continue hosting rugby and other sport competitions until October, 2024, with shareholder clubs hoping to have new localized facilities ready for the 2025 season.

In recent years, the Fletcher’s board opted for a long-term review with the facility’s increasing need for capital improvements and out of a desire for greater access to rugby across the city. That led to the board accepting a purchase offer.

In addition to the six new endowment funds, the Foundation has contributed $120,000 and committed to an annual contribution towards a new Fletcher’s Patrons Fund that honours those who helped finance major renovations and build grandstands at the property. The returns from the fund will go toward initiatives to help develop rugby in Ontario.

Fletcher’s Patrons Fund

Fletcher’s Fields Limited (FFL) is a share capital corporation incorporated under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario). FFL is a not-for-profit organization within the meaning of paragraph 149(1)(l) of the Income Tax Act (Canada). On its initial incorporation as a letters patent corporation under the Corporations Act (Ontario) in 1970, the objects of FFL were stated in part as follows:

a) To establish, maintain and operate athletic facilities and to promote an interest in athletic games, recreation and sports;

b) To construct and operate grandstands, arenas, playing field, booths, refreshment rooms, food services and other buildings and conveniences whether of a permanent or temporary nature;

c) To arrange or hold matches and competitions of every nature and to offer or grant and contribute towards prizes, awards and distinctions;

d) To buy, sell and deal in all kinds of equipment, apparatus and provisions required by or conveniences for the persons frequenting the Company’s facilities; and

e) To use such facilities and to permit the same or any part thereof to be sued on such terms as the company shall think fit for any purposes, public or private, and in particular for public and other gatherings and meetings, exhibitions, picnics, tournaments and other performances.

On November 23, 2021, the Canadian Rugby Foundation (the Foundation) was pleased to accept a historic donation in the amount of $11.65 million from Fletcher’s Field Limited (FFL), this following the sale of its Fletcher’s Fields rugby facility in Markham Ontario to the City of Markham. The Foundation and FFL have entered into a donation agreement (the “FFL Master Agreement”) effective June 1st, 2021. In addition, the Foundation established from its own Unrestricted Fund a restricted fund to be named the “Fletcher’s Patrons Fund” in the amount of $120,000.

The Fletcher’s Patrons Fund is named for the generous supporters or “Patrons” who in 1995 enabled Fletcher’s Fields to undertake major renovations to the clubhouse and install an electronic scoreboard and a grandstand to accommodate three thousand spectators. Funds for the improvements came by way of an Ontario grant and a major fundraising drive in the rugby community. The fundraising drive involved donors contributing one thousand dollars to Fletcher’s in return for being named a patron and receiving free entry to games. Almost $150,000 was raised from members of the FFL shareholder clubs and other Ontario rugby clubs.

The Fletcher’s Patrons Fund is intended to provide funding from its endowment, and from capital disbursements that continue the objects of FFL. These include:

(a) To encourage and further the game of rugby in Ontario and Canada in accordance with the laws of World Rugby (“WR”);

(b) To actively support rugby players and participants in the Province of Ontario by furnishing equipment, kit, and facilities for the game of rugby; and

(c) To promote all forms of rugby recognized by WR and to arrange matches and rugby competitions and to offer or grant and contribute towards prizes, awards, scholarships and honorariums related to playing rugby in the Province of Ontario.

Fletcher's Fields



Recap: 2021 Canadian University Men’s Rugby Championship

November 28 saw the finale of the 2021 Toronto Arrows Canadian University Men’s Rugby Championship presented by Lougheed Wealth Management – Raymond James (CUMRC). Once again, the UBC Thunderbirds were victorious, winning their third championship in four years, and defeating the defending champions and arch-provincial rivals the University of Victoria Vikes in the Gold medal match 39-7.

This year’s tournament was hosted by Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario from November 24-28.  34 teams competed this year to qualify for the CUMRC through their conference or regional leagues, an increase of 17 percent from the inaugural 2017 tournament. Eight teams from all regions of Canada  won the right to compete at the CUMRC: UBC and UVic from BC, Calgary from the Prairies, Guelph, Queen’s and RMC from Ontario, Concordia from Quebec, and Dalhousie from the Atlantic. Three brand new qualifiers made it to Kingston – RMC, Calgary and Dalhousie.

The results from the twelve matches played over three days aligned closely with the way the teams were initially seeded. All matches were streamed on YouTube and on The Rugby Network:


UBC 66, RMC 0 (

Guelph 34, Calgary 5 (

UVic 72, Dalhousie 0 (

Queen’s 38, Concordia 22 (

Consolation Semi-finals

Concordia 60, RMC 3 (

Calgary 25, Dalhousie 11 (

Championship Semi-finals

UBC 41, Queen’s 20 (

UVic 29, Guelph 22 (

Final Day

7 vs. 8: RMC 43, Dalhousie 7 (

5 vs. 6: Concordia 39, Calgary 17 (

Bronze medal: Queen’s 13, Guelph 5 (

Gold medal: UBC 39, UVic 7 (


Photos from the tournament can be seen here

All game videos on the Queen’s YouTube channel

During the first day of the tournament, 8 players – one from each team – were presented with the Col. W.D.C. Holmes Award recognizing their contributions to the game of rugby off-the-field. Full story.

Following the tournament, the First and Second Team All Stars were announced, with the two finalists, UBC and UVic well represented.


And finally, the University of Calgary Dinos were named as the inaugural winners of the Jeff Chan Spirit of Rugby Team Award. The Dinos were selected by the Toronto Arrows selection panel, the tournament officials, and the CUMRC Board, based on their demonstration of the spirit, values, and culture of the game of rugby including respect for their opponents and the officials, competitiveness, and good sportsmanship over the course of the CUMRC tournament.


The CUMRC Tournament had the generous support of the following sponsors:

Title sponsor: The Toronto Arrows

Presenting sponsor: Lougheed Wealth Management – Raymond James

Sustaining sponsors: The Canadian Rugby Foundation, Langara Fishing Adventures, Pemberton-Holmes, and Michael Holmes.

Host university: Queen’s University

All Stars and Player of the Game sponsor: Pinnacle Scouting

Continuing support: Rugby Canada.

The 2022 CUMRC returns to British Columbia November 30 – December 4, 2022.

Col. W.D.C. Holmes Awards Presented at the 2021 Canadian University Men’s Rugby Championship

From November 24-28, Queen’s University hosted the Canadian University Men’s Rugby Championship (CUMRC). The 2021 CUMRC featured eight teams from across Canada including the ultimate champion UBC and UVic from BC, Calgary from the Prairies, Guelph, Queen’s and RMC from Ontario, Concordia from Quebec, and Dalhousie from the Atlantic region.

As was the case with the U SPORTS Women’s Rugby Nationals, 8 student-athletes were recognized for their off-field contributions to the game of rugby at their university and community in the past year, while their university team’s Athletic Financial Awards (AFAs) were enhanced with $500 cheques from the Canadian Rugby Foundation’s W.D.C. Holmes Fund. Examples of factors to be considered could include organizing community events involving the team, mentoring younger players, volunteering with their home rugby club or at the community in which the university is located, volunteering as a club executive or an official at any level, and providing off-the-field leadership on the university team.

The Col. W.D.C. Holmes Awards are presented by Michael Holmes in memory of his late father Lt. Col. W.D.C. Holmes, who won the sword of honour at RMC in 1942 before embarking on a distinguished career in the British Army during and after World War II. Fittingly the same Royal Military College  made its inaugural appearance in the 2021 CUMRC.

The following eight men were recognized for their contributions to the game of rugby:

Braden Gray – Royal Military College, 4th Year, Computer Engineering

Brayden is a senior computer engineering student and the team captain.   A native of Ottawa, Ontario his career choice is to serve in the Royal Canadian Navy as a Marine Systems Engineering Officer.  He has held a number of leadership position within RMC including Flight Section Commander and Squadron Sports Officer.

Aria Keshoofy – University of Guelph, 5th Year, MSc. Population Medicine

Aria has been a leader and captain for the past two season, who recently won the OUA Trillium Award this past season. Last Christmas he organized a advent donation drive which resulted in gifts and food for 9 families in need. He also helps mentor younger and incoming players.

Dawson Legere – Dalhousie University, 3rd Year, Arts

Dawson successfully recovered from two shoulder surgeries to become a most essential part of the DURFC pack. Beyond his invaluable contributions to the team, Dawson has committed himself to being an exemplary figure in the Halifax rugby community. This past summer, Dawson rose to head coach for the U-15 Nova Scotia provincial squad. At 21 years of age, he is one of the more respected figures in Nova Scotia for his playing and coaching abilities.

Logan Martin-Feek – University of   Victoria, 4th Year

Logan has been unable to compete with his team on the field this season due to injury but was previously the on-field captain and has continued to foster his leadership skills . Logan is the first guy to make sure that the players new to our program feel welcome, and that they belong. He has worked tirelessly this year to develop himself as a leader, frequently looking for professional development opportunities, and suggesting ways in which we can better our program.

Aidan McMullan – Concordia University, 2nd Year Building Engineering

Only a second year student and already recognized as a team captain, Aidan is a leader in off the field activities, he is a mentor to young aspiring rugby players, and coaches rugby in the community.

Alex Pipchuck – Queen’s University, 5th Year, Arts & Science

Alex is one of the team leaders in organizing the Run for the Cure for the Men’s Rugby Team fundraising for the past 3 years. The Gaels have been the top fund-raising team from a Canadian university and the top team from Kingston. Alex led the team to raise funds in a number of ways, including an email campaign, going door-to-door in non-COVID years, run challenges where money is donated per kilometre, and contributions from the team’s alumni.

Sam Platt – University of Calgary, 3rd Year, Law

Sam engages the community and rugby team to get involved with positive and exuberant passion. This year alone Sam serves on the Exec as the Liaison for all Charity connections. Successfully accomplished raising over $10k for breast cancer and continues to excel at engaging the team in events to better our community presence. Sam is working on an initiative to engage local high schools to share the players’ and coaches’ knowledge at the University of Calgary Dinos with the local community, while having fun and raising awareness for mental health.

Bryce Worden – UBC, 4th Year, Kinesiology

Bryce is applying to Medical School after his degree in Kinesiology. He guides and informs younger players and leads from behind and sometimes out front with the senior players.  He leads a abundant group of mini and junior rugby players at his home club.


Founded in 2017, the 2021 Toronto Arrows Canadian University Men’s Rugby Championship, presented by Lougheed Wealth Management-Raymond James, marked the 4th year for the tournament. With generous  sponsor support from the Canadian Rugby Foundation, Langara Fishing Adventures, Pemberton-Holmes, Pinnacle Scouting and with the support of Rugby Canada, the CUMRC is contributing to the growth of university men’s rugby across Canada with 34 teams now competing to qualify for the tournament and two more slated  to join in 2022, when the Championship will be held at the University of British Columbia. And increasingly, the university ranks are the crucial development path for MLR’s Toronto Arrows, and and the senior national 15s team.

Inaugural Col. W.D.C. Holmes Awards Presented at the 2021 U SPORTS Women’s Rugby Championship

The Nov. 10-14 U SPORTS Women’s Rugby Championship hosted by Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, marked the first Holmes Awards recognizing off-field contributions to the game of rugby by a Canadian University Women’s Rugby student-athlete.

The Col. W.D.C. Holmes Awards are presented by Michael Holmes through the Canadian Rugby Foundation in memory of his late father, Lt. Col. W.D.C. Holmes, who won the sword of honour at RMC in 1942 before heading off to England with a commission in the British Army in the Second World War.  In his 25 year career with the British Army he fought in numerous campaigns  and was awarded both the Military Cross and the Distinguished Service Order for bravery in the Korean War.

Sixteen awards of $500 are presented to the 8 Women’s and 8 Men’s teams in the National University Rugby Championships, to go towards each team’s Athletic Financial Awards (AFAs). The award recognizes the player on each team who has best contributed to the game of rugby at their university and community in the past year. The goal is to encourage the future leaders of the sport of rugby across Canada and recognize off-the-field vs. on-field performance, Examples of factors to be considered could include organizing community events involving the team, mentoring younger players, volunteering with home rugby club, or at the community in which the university is located, volunteering as a club executive or an official at any level, and providing off-the-field leadership on the university team.

Eight women were recognized for their off-the-field contributions to the game of rugby, each representing the eight Universities competing at the Women’s Rugby Nationals as follow:

Sophie-Rose Pickard – Acadia University, 5th Year Kinesiology

Sophie has been a standout team player on and off the field and took the role to new heights this season. Her positive attitude and personality are infectious among the team – even if she’s having a down day. She is a go-to for anyone who need an ear to listen or a helping hand. Soph is always willing to contribute in any way she can; active participation in film sessions, practices, technical questions to provide learning moments for younger players. She is the epitome of what a rugby player is, she spins everything in a positive way and will bring her lessons from rugby her wherever life takes her. Throughout her years as a student-athlete, Soph has shown great resilience in both athletics and academic pursuits. No matter her adversities, Sophie has always remained grounded, true to herself, and have become a role model for younger players. Sophie plans to move back home to Newfoundland upon graduation to help women’s programs develop and succeed on the national stage.

Amelia Stapley – Queen’s University, 4th Year Arts & Science


Amelia has been an incredible teammate for 4 years within the Queen’s Women’s Rugby program. She is always going out of her way to support her teammates – especially our 1st years – to ensure they are well looked after.  Amelia also volunteers her time at her local rugby club, coaching mini rugby and helping pass on her love for the sport.

Dani Franada – St. Francis Xavier University, 4th Year Business

Dani is a player every coach wants to have; she makes her teammates better by just being on the field. She is a leader on the field, in the dressing room, and in the StFX leadership academy. She is respected by our younger players and is well liked by all her teammates. She is kind and considerate of others and looks to lead by example.

Annabelle Parent – Université Laval, 4th Year Intervention Sportif

Annabelle has been plenty involved in the rugby community during the covid period. She managed different programs and academies for kids between 6 and 21 years old according to public health authorities. She also volunteers to make known rugby in high school and primary school all over Quebec and his region. Despite recovering from ACL injuries, she never stops helping the growth of our sport during this period.

Rori Woods – University of British Columbia, 3rd Year Kinesiology

Rori has been a huge part as a coach and program leader with the UBC mini rugby program. This is her second year. The program runs for 8 to10 weeks in Term One and again in term two during the school year. The program runs every Sunday morning, with 50 children aged 3 to 9. Rori has also been involved in a UBC recruit camp that took place during the summer break. Rori has also supported the UBC female rugby academy as a coach and mentor to potential new recruits. Rori is also a huge part in the University leadership group.

Hannah Beaumont – University of Guelph, 5th Year Human Kinetics

Hannah is a speedster on the pitch that can score tries and track down any opponent. She’s the top try scorer this season with a whopping 10 tries. She’s courageous in contact at such high speeds and does this with a smile on her face. Hannah is an exceptional player and teammate. She has made her mark on the gryphon program and will be missed immensely following her graduation.

Ngozi Mosindi – University of Ottawa, 2nd Year Criminology

Since Ngozi has become a part of the Gee-Gees, she has been extreemely involved in all aspects of what we do on and off the field. She has been a part of our Task Force for Equity and Diversity, where she hosted a 3-part Black Women in Sport: Speaker Series. Apart from all Ngozi has done with the Task Force, she has been a main support with player recruitment. She has been in contact with recruits all fall, hosting zoom meetings, supporting trial days, and maintaining connections. In the zoom sessions, Ngozi leads recruits through their questions and gives insight to our program. Ngozi has also helped with the development of our younger players by supporting their development games and the growth of other young athletes in Ottawa. She has planned and ran sessions with the rugby team at Heritage College as well as Ashbury Colleges’ football team.

Ada Okonkwo – University of Victoria, 4th Year Masters in Public Health

Ada has been an incredible advocate and leader for the Vikes Women’s Rugby team, the Vikes athletics department, the university and in the community this past year. She is currently completing her master’s in Public Health and has a passion for uplifting the voices of the BIPOC community. Ada also organized our team to all wear orange and consulted with the indigenous community on campus to make sure our game on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation was done properly and with respect. For the university, Ada is a member of the Vikes Student-athlete Leadership Council. She provides advice to Vikes Athletics Department for leadership on advancing the culture of excellence associated with varsity athletics and the student-athlete experience, as well as any issues related to BIPOC. In consultation with the Indigenous Academic & Community Engagement Department, In the community, Ada has used her voice to advance the BIPOC community. She was involved in the Black Lives Matter movement and spoke at the peaceful protests in Victoria. She also organized a peaceful protest at Victoria City Hall to bring global awareness and attention to the violation of human rights and injustices against Nigerian youths #ENDSARS.

Presentations were made by Hans de Goede a Director of the Foundation (whose daughter Sophie captained the Gold medal-winning Queen’s Gaels and was named the Tournament MVP) and Jeff Chan, Executive Director of the Foundation.




Announcing the Steven Batie Memorial Fund

The latest of the Foundation’s Awards Endowment Funds has just gone live with the creation of the Steven Batie Memorial Fund.

The Fund was created by Steven’s family in October 2021 to honour his 25-year legacy in Canadian rugby. He was a leader both on and off the pitch at the club, provincial and national U21 level and his legendary tenacity during the game was matched only by his kindness, warmth, and welcoming nature off the field.

Steven’s rugby life began with the Ladysmith Secondary School Blues Rugby Program, followed by the Nanaimo Hornets Rugby Club. After high school, Steven became a beloved member of the UVic Vikes Rugby Program for six years, meeting and playing alongside lifelong friends under the mentorship of Doug Tate.


Steve focused his education on finance following his undergrad by completing the British Columbia Institute of Technology’s (BCIT) Financial Management program. He began his career in finance in the banking industry, earned his CFP designation, and ultimately transitioned away from the traditional financial institutions to become a financial planner, investment advisor, and owner of Rothdale Pacific Wealth Management in Vancouver.

After UVic Steve went on to become a long-standing member of the Burnaby Lake Rugby Club. For 15 years, he played at every level with the club while helping coach and mentor new players. He also volunteered his time and expertise to provide additional fitness training to support players trying out for representative teams. Burnaby Lake was also where he met his wife Jean and his family is grateful to the club for embracing the entire Batie family.

Steven was also a valued member of a number of representative teams, including the Mid Island Tsunami, the Canadian U21 Men’s World Cup Team, and BC at all levels, including starting in BC Bears’ famous 2014 victory over the Uruguayan Men’s National Team.

Support of this fund will help grow the game of rugby and support the two clubs – University of Victoria Vikes Men’s Rugby program and the Burnaby Lake Rugby Club – that brought Steven so much joy and happiness during his life, in addition to keeping his spirit alive for his family.

In addition to supporting this fund, Steven’s family asks that you also honour his life and legacy by being kind – to yourself, your teammates, your friends and even strangers – for everyone you meet may be fighting a battle you know nothing about. In closing, the family has asked that we share the words Steven’s dad would say to him before every single game (and most practices) over his 25 years playing rugby:

Play Hard.
Play Safe.
And Have Fun.

The Steven Batie Memorial Fund will be officially unveiled at Steve’s Celebration of Life on November 14, 2021.

Announcing 2022 Grassroots Rugby Assistance Grants

It’s no secret that the past year and a half have been hard on grassroots rugby across Canada. With COVID-19 protocols restricting play and most forms of activity that would normally engage club members, incoming revenue has been drastically reduced if not eliminated, and membership has taken a hit with the risk that some younger players might not return at all.

The Canadian Rugby Foundation has recognized these hardships, and are making available some funding to help clubs across Canada recover from the recent months. The Foundation’s Board approved new Grassroots Rugby COVID-relief grants to assist clubs who have been hard hit this year by the effects of COVID-19. A total of $40,000 is being made available through the provincial and territorial rugby unions to assist their most affected clubs.

Each provincial union has been invited to apply for assistance to a maximum of $5,000 per union, with funding available starting January 2022 on the condition that the CRF grant is matched by the union/clubs.

The deadline for applications is November 15, 2021 at 5:00pm EST.

The email that was sent and the application form can be seen below. If your club could use this type of support, contact your provincial union for more information.

Grassroots Assistance email to PRUs 20211013
Application for Grassroots Assistance


UPDATE: The following 5 Provincial Rugby Unions applied for and were subsequently approved for $5,000 grants payable in March 2022.

  • Rugby Ontario
  • Rugby Quebec
  • Manitoba Rugby
  • New Brunswick Rugby
  • Newfoundland Rugby


2021 Elections and Appointments

At the October 7, 2021 Canadian Rugby Foundation Annual General Meeting – for the first time a virtual Zoom event – and the subsequent Board of Directors meeting, the Contributing Members and Directors made the following decisions:


Three new Directors were elected by the Members to initial 2-year terms, effective immediately. All three have been active at the club and provincial level, with two having extensive experience with Rugby Canada.

Graham J. Brown, Director, CATAPULT Career Advantage Inc.

A founding Partner and current Director with CATAPULT Career Advantage, Graham was most recently the President & CEO of U SPORTS, the national governing body for University Sport in Canada. Following his ten (10) years lecturing in the Business Faculty at the University of Toronto, Graham most recently lectured on Leadership at McMaster University’s W. Booth School of Engineering, Industry Operations Leadership & Management (IOLM) Program.

Prior to U SPORTS, Graham spent fourteen years as President & CEO of Rugby Canada where he remains a Director on the Canada 7s LLP Corporate Board and provincially on the Board of Rugby Ontario.  Graham holds both an undergraduate and graduate degree from the University of Windsor and continues to provide corporate leadership for a number of Corporate and Canadian amateur sport boards in Canada.

Jerrold D. Marriott, Consultant, Eastmount Financial Consulting Ltd.

Jerry has been actively involved in the Toronto rugby community since 1983 as a member of the Toronto Scottish RFC. He has served as a captain on the field, Director of Men’s Rugby and two extended terms as the Treasurer of TSRFC. As the current Treasurer of TSRFC, he has become an advisor to the Board of Fletcher’s Fields Limited (“FFL”) to assist in the sale of its property north of Toronto, decisions regarding the use of sale proceeds and the transition of FFL to a new role in the promotion and support of rugby in the greater Toronto area.

Jerry’s business career has involved the practice of law, corporate finance, banking, debt capital markets, debt credit ratings, financial markets regulation and consulting. Most recently, he has run a consulting practice focusing on financial institutions with issues relating to asset valuations and funding or government regulation of capital markets.

Jerry’s financial acumen has developed over a number of years. He has completed a Bachelor of Commerce, a Master in Business Administration and levels I & II of the CFA designation. He has worked in debt capital markets for over twenty years at two major Canadian banks and was a senior executive at a Canadian debt rating agency during and after the financial crisis of 2008-2009. The result is a wide-ranging understanding of asset valuation and financial markets that will provide background for active participation in the Canadian Rugby Foundation Investment Committee.

 Nick Taylor, Director of Development, Athletics & Recreation, Ryerson University

Nick stepped onto the rugby field in 1990 at Queen Elizabeth High School in Halifax NS, and other than setbacks from injuries has not yet retired from actively participating in the game as a player. Along the way, Nick competed at the Provincial level with Quebec’s U19 program, played with five clubs in Quebec and Ontario, served as a board member with three of the clubs, spent eight years as a senior leader with Rugby Canada and currently enjoys watching two of his three children with shared aspirations of playing for Canada as they play 7s and 15s rugby at club, invitational, regional and provincial levels.

Away from the field, Nick currently volunteers with Sport4Ontario and his professional career has included a variety of roles across the for profit and non-profit sectors including senior leadership positions in Canadian sport, healthcare, and academia. With experience in sales & marketing, communications & PR, sponsorship, fundraising, lotteries, and major gifts as well as in strategic planning.


The 2021-2022 Board of Directors now consists of:

  • Mike Holmes (Chair)
  • Pat Aldous (Vice-Chair)
  • Rick Bourne (Rugby Canada appointee)
  • Graham Brown
  • Hans de Goede
  • Sally Dennis (Rugby Canada appointee)
  • Neil Duke
  • Barry Giffen
  • Randy Heward
  • Jim Kellett
  • John Lecky
  • Jerry Marriott
  • Colette McAuley
  • Nick Taylor
  • Bill Webb
  • John Woodward



The Board approved the appointment of the Foundation’s Officers and Executive Committee members as follows:

  • Mike Holmes (Chair)
  • Pat Aldous (Vice-Chair)
  • John Wrafter (Treasurer, non-voting)
  • Sally Dennis (Secretary)
  • Hans de Goede
  • Jim Kellett
  • Jeff Chan (ex officio, non-voting)

The Board approved the appointment of the Investment Committee members as follows:

  • Jim Kellett – Chair
  • Jerry Marriott
  • Mike Holmes
  • Bill Webb
  • John Woodward

Lastly, the Board approved the establishment of a Governance Committee, comprising Chair Sally Dennis, Mike Holmes, and Executive Director Jeff Chan. Among the primary objectives of the new committee will be a review, update and recommended revisions to the Constitution and By-laws of the Foundation, and the establishment of a formal Nominations process.