The Aurora Barbarians Rugby Football Club (ABRFC) was established in 2002, after a very successful merger of two strong clubs, Aurora RFC and the Toronto Barbarians RFC. We are a community-based club centered in Aurora, Ontario. We practice at St. Maximilian Kolbe CHS and play our home games at Fletcher’s Fields.

The Club supports: 2 Senior Men’s teams 2 Senior Women’s teams Girls’ Junior teams at the U17 and U15 age groups Boys’ Junior teams at the 2 xU17, 2 xU15 and U13 age groups Co-ed teams at the U11 (modified contact), U9/U7 (flag) age groups

Aurora Barbarians Rugby Football Club (ABRFC) is a non-share capital corporation incorporated under the Corporations Act (Ontario). ABRFC is a not-for-profit organization within the meaning of paragraph 149(1)(l) of the Income Tax Act (Canada). The articles of incorporation of the ABRFC dated January 29, 2003, state the objects of ABRFC in part as follows: to promote and encourage the playing of Rugby union football, particularly in the area surrounding the Town of Aurora.

Under the Fletcher’s Fields Limited Master Agreement, a new fund (the “Aurora Barbarians Fund”) was established in 2021. The Aurora Barbarians Fund is intended to provide funding from its endowment, and from capital disbursements that continue the objects of FFL. These include:

(a) To encourage and further the game of rugby in Aurora, Ontario and Canada.

(b) To maintain and conduct the Aurora Barbarians Rugby Football Club (the “Club”) and to promote amongst the members of the Club and others, an interest in the game of rugby.

(c) To establish, maintain and operate facilities (including a clubhouse, playing fields and other conveniences) for the members of the Club and others and to equip, furnish and maintain the game of rugby.

(d) To promote all forms of rugby and to arrange matches and rugby competitions and to offer or grant and contribute towards prizes, awards and distinctions related to playing rugby in the province of Ontario.