Fletcher’s Fields Limited (FFL) is a share capital corporation incorporated under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario). FFL is a not-for-profit organization within the meaning of paragraph 149(1)(l) of the Income Tax Act (Canada). On its initial incorporation as a letters patent corporation under the Corporations Act (Ontario) in 1970, the objects of FFL were stated in part as follows:
a) To establish, maintain and operate athletic facilities and to promote an interest in athletic games, recreation and sports;
b) To construct and operate grandstands, arenas, playing field, booths, refreshment rooms, food services and other buildings and conveniences whether of a permanent or temporary nature;
c) To arrange or hold matches and competitions of every nature and to offer or grant and contribute towards prizes, awards and distinctions;
d) To buy, sell and deal in all kinds of equipment, apparatus and provisions required by or conveniences for the persons frequenting the Company’s facilities; and
e) To use such facilities and to permit the same or any part thereof to be sued on such terms as the company shall think fit for any purposes, public or private, and in particular for public and other gatherings and meetings, exhibitions, picnics, tournaments and other performances.
On November 23, 2021, the Canadian Rugby Foundation (the Foundation) was pleased to accept a historic donation in the amount of $11.65 million from Fletcher’s Field Limited (FFL), this following the sale of its Fletcher’s Fields rugby facility in Markham Ontario to the City of Markham. The Foundation and FFL have entered into a donation agreement (the “FFL Master Agreement”) effective June 1st, 2021. In addition, the Foundation established from its own Unrestricted Fund a restricted fund to be named the “Fletcher’s Patrons Fund” in the amount of $120,000.
The Fletcher’s Patrons Fund is named for the generous supporters or “Patrons” who in 1995 enabled Fletcher’s Fields to undertake major renovations to the clubhouse and install an electronic scoreboard and a grandstand to accommodate three thousand spectators. Funds for the improvements came by way of an Ontario grant and a major fundraising drive in the rugby community. The fundraising drive involved donors contributing one thousand dollars to Fletcher’s in return for being named a patron and receiving free entry to games. Almost $150,000 was raised from members of the FFL shareholder clubs and other Ontario rugby clubs.
The Fletcher’s Patrons Fund is intended to provide funding from its endowment, and from capital disbursements that continue the objects of FFL. These include:
(a) To encourage and further the game of rugby in Ontario and Canada in accordance with the laws of World Rugby (“WR”);
(b) To actively support rugby players and participants in the Province of Ontario by furnishing equipment, kit, and facilities for the game of rugby; and
(c) To promote all forms of rugby recognized by WR and to arrange matches and rugby competitions and to offer or grant and contribute towards prizes, awards, scholarships and honorariums related to playing rugby in the Province of Ontario.
To make a donation to the Fletcher’s Patrons Fund, go here: