Sophie de Goede – Thomas Family Scholarship 2017

Sophie de Goede is not only an upcoming rugby star but is proficient in basketball as well. She’s attends Queen’s University where she plays both rugby and basketball. She was part of the Rugby Canada centralized program for Women’s 7s in her final year of high school.


Birthplace: Comox, BC

Favourite memory growing up: Saturdays watching rugby and playing in the park at James Bay with my parents and the rugby club crew

Position played: 8

First year playing rugby: I believe I was around 5 years old, so 2004

Favourite Coach: Jennifer Joyce, Canadian Sport School Victoria Lead Coach

Most influential people in life: Both of my parents have had the greatest impacts on my life as role models and as my biggest supporters

Favourite rugby memory: Having my first Canada jersey presented to me by my mother

Worst rugby memory: Having to get my ear drained after taking a few too many hits

Favourite movie: ESPN 30 for 30 – Winning Time – Reggie Miller vs The New York Knicks

Favourite musician: Fleetwood Mac

Favourite book: Tools of Titans – Tim Ferriss

Career Plans: Currently attending Smith School of Business at Queen’s University, planning on Law school afterwards

Rugby goals in next two years: Senior National Cap; National USport Championship for Queen’s

Favourite other hobbies: Basketball, working out, watching documentaries

Posted in Awards News.