Announcing 2022 Grassroots Rugby Assistance Grants

It’s no secret that the past year and a half have been hard on grassroots rugby across Canada. With COVID-19 protocols restricting play and most forms of activity that would normally engage club members, incoming revenue has been drastically reduced if not eliminated, and membership has taken a hit with the risk that some younger players might not return at all.

The Canadian Rugby Foundation has recognized these hardships, and are making available some funding to help clubs across Canada recover from the recent months. The Foundation’s Board approved new Grassroots Rugby COVID-relief grants to assist clubs who have been hard hit this year by the effects of COVID-19. A total of $40,000 is being made available through the provincial and territorial rugby unions to assist their most affected clubs.

Each provincial union has been invited to apply for assistance to a maximum of $5,000 per union, with funding available starting January 2022 on the condition that the CRF grant is matched by the union/clubs.

The deadline for applications is November 15, 2021 at 5:00pm EST.

The email that was sent and the application form can be seen below. If your club could use this type of support, contact your provincial union for more information.

Grassroots Assistance email to PRUs 20211013
Application for Grassroots Assistance


UPDATE: The following 5 Provincial Rugby Unions applied for and were subsequently approved for $5,000 grants payable in March 2022.

  • Rugby Ontario
  • Rugby Quebec
  • Manitoba Rugby
  • New Brunswick Rugby
  • Newfoundland Rugby


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